Mental Health Survey and Evaluation
PM Mental Health Survey and Evaluation was built using the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) - the standard discharge evaluation tool for mental health patients. Using this structured biopsychosocial to evaluate your patients's current standard of living provides you with a basis for evaluating the evolution of your patient treatment.
The ASI gathers information in six unique lifestyle areas: medical, employment, living, social, relationship and psychiatric. The Mental Health Survey and Evaluation tool also provides a place for clinicians to document your recommendations for lifestyle changes during a patients discharge from your clinical care.
Clinicians can enter Mental Health Survey and Evaluation data during intake and again at discharge providing a comparative narrative for the progressive evolution of a patients treatment. The Mental Health Survey and Evaluation is also an excellant tool for providing a patient's discharge summary.
Contact us today to learn how you can begin using Mental Health Survey and Evaluation in your mental health treatment!